February 22, 2025
General IssueIssue 1Volume 2

Volume 2 Issue 1, January- February 2021

New Literaria

Vol. 2 Issue 1
January-February 2021



The Spectre and the Empire: Reading B. M. Croker’s Ghost Stories
Debarghya Ganguli

Partition or Its Phantasm?: Sixty-Five Years After The Cracking of Bengal
Sarbani Banerjee

From Guerrilla Fighter to National Icon: Revisiting the Political Life of Yasser Arafat
P. Boopathi

Understanding the Relations of Religion and Disability: A Study of Preeti Monga’s The Other Senses and Naseema Hazruk’s The Incredible Story
S. Gokul

Wizards First: The Muggle and Mudblood Crisis Reflecting the Rohingya Crisis
Ipsita Chakraborty

A New Perspective on Sylvia Plath’s “The Rival” and its Themes, Subject, and Inspiration
Jessica Meheta

Toward a Line of Flight: Art and the Modern Migrant
Lakshmi Sree

“The Fleshly School of Poetry” vis-à-vis Victorian Heteropatriarchy: A Queer Ecofeminist Reading of Select Pre-Raphaelite Poetry and Paintings
Koushik Mondal

Experiences of Childhood in the Victorian Cultural and Literary World of Carroll’s Alice in Through the Looking Glass
Meher Nandrajog

Corporeal Reclamation in Vivek Shraya’s Art: Asserting the trans woman
Noor Sharma & Parul Nayar

From Victim to Martyr: A Feministic Study of Nayomi Munaeera’s Island of a Thousand Mirrors
P. Saranya

No Longer the Fiend but Every Inch a Queen: Reading the Transformation of Lady Macbeth in David Greig’s Dunsinane (2010) through the Lens of Adaptation Studies
Pathik Khamrai

Transhumanisms: AReview of TranshumanistSchools of Thought
Piero Gayozzo Huamanchumo

Beauty of Zombies and the Field of Plastic Surgeries
Rimpa Mondal

The relevance of Crime Fiction in the Twenty-first century and its Ever-increasing Popularity Thorough the Translation of Regional Texts in this Genre
Rohit Roy Chowdhury

“We’re modelled from trash”: Confronting Transhumanism and Critical Posthumanism in Ishiguro’s Never Let Me Go
Santi Ranjan Sing

The Wives’ Tales: Women and the Domestic Space in ManikBandyopadhyay’s ‘Bou’ Series
Sarbajaya Bhattacharya

Social Media and The Corrosion of Public Discourse: A Critique on The Rhetoric of Post-Truth
Shankhadeep Chattopadhyay

Nation and the Narratives of Violence: Violent Embeddings of Nationalism
Sheetal Balyan

Commodification of Identity: Dissecting the Coolie Body in the Indo-Caribbean Diaspora
Shehnaz Kabir

Interpellation of Clones: Unveiling the Social Realism in Films based on Human Cloning
Soham Sinha

The Illusion of Free Will and the Prominence of Coincidence in the Films of Buster Keaton and Charlie Chaplin
Surya Prakash Verma & Binod Mishra

“In Nature There is Nothing Melancholy”: Romantic Poetry and Selfish Constructions of Nature and Sadness
Tyler Martin Sehnal

Monsters in the Crown: Anatomizing Indian Thuggees through Orientalist Lens
Priyanka Pathak

Silver Talisman or Moral Compass:  Empathetic Experiences and Sustainable Practices Within Elizabeth Enright’s Thimble Summer
Renee’ Critcher Lyons

Game of Identities: A Study of Arya Stark and her Identities in Game of Thrones
Amaresh Pramanik

Role of Lalan Fakir on Syncretism and Women Liberation: A Historical Study
Nasrin Begum

Representing Identity as Fragmented in the Post-colonial Context: A Study of Meena Alexander’s Autobiographical Texts
Ashapurna Dash

Unmasking the Facade: A Critique of Disguise as a Colonial and Patriarchal Tool
Saikat Sarkar

Shadows of Abuse and Identity: Toni Morrison’s God Help the Child
Dr Shaista Irshad and Sonam Bharti

Book Review

Universal Emancipation: Race Beyond Badiou (2020) by Elisabeth Paquette
Vincenzo Di Mino

Kant’s Humorous Writings: An Illustrated Guide (2021) by Robert R. Clewis
Shouvik N. Hore

Romanticism: 100 Poems (2021) by Michael Ferber
Shouvik N. Hore


Tanmoy Kundu is Assistant Professor and Head of the Department of English, Midnapore College (Autonomous), West Bengal. He has published four research articles and fourteen book chapters on Feminism, Popular Culture, Indian English Novel, and Indian English Drama in national and international journals and edited volumes. Besides English literature, he has a passion for Linguistics, Dalit Literature, and South Asian Literature. Mr. Kundu has been acting as a reviewer for peer-reviewed national-level journals like Advances Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, (a multi-disciplinary peer-reviewed journal). He has edited a book, Off the Line: Transgression and Its Representation in Literature and Culture (Atlantic Publishers, New Delhi) in 2019. His recent area of research is concerned with Dalit Studies, Street theatre.