February 22, 2025

Call for Contributions/ Subscriptions

As a journal committed to quality research and writing, we are aware of the need to delink quality from publication cost. Hence, we have decided to charge no publication fee from the scholars whose papers will be published in the issues of NEW LITERARIA. This applies to all the authors from any country in the world. Proof-reading and final formatting of the article shall be done by the author/s. Authors can seek the services of proof-reading and formatting the final version through a third party agency. At the same time, since our Journal is a self-financed venture, co-operation, and support in the form of subscriptions are solicited from interested readers and admirers of English Literature and Language from all over the world to meet the basic expenses. Our Journal calls for contributions to ensure the quality and smooth publication of the Journal. All contributions, institutional or individual, will be gratefully acknowledged, and are deductible from income tax returns under Section 80G of the Income Tax Act since the Journal is a non-profit, academic endeavor. Advertising space in the Journal is also available.